
Flying With Dad: Janet's Memories

Janet's story as told to AOPA.

Janet's Dad
Photo courtesy of Janet Jackowski

I remember as a small child going flying with my dad. The smells and sounds of the airport as we drove up gave me a sense of freedom. The small community of Mattituck seemed to be personified in the friendliness of everyone at the airport. My dad was free when we where there, unburdened by the daily tasks of life. I always felt welcomed and loved there. When we would board the airplane my excitement would only be rivaled by my dad's. Then the take off and the feeling of freedom. Looking down at the earth and our town, my cares where gone. He would joyfully let me fly. We would fly by our home and "wave", watching as our home seemed so small. Everything was beautiful when we were flying. My dad and his love of airplane gave me a gift of freedom; for that I am eternally grateful.

To my dad, thank you and Happy Father's Day. Thanks for the memories!

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