
Flying With Dad: Ken's Memories

Ken's story as told to AOPA.

Photo courtesy of Ken Morrow

I have been interested in flight for as long as I remember.  One of my most memorable childhood experiences was when my dad, who had just begun his private training, invited my brother and me to accompany him and his instructor on a flight from Frederick Municipal to nearby southern Pennsylvania.  Family pressures required dad to abandon his training, pre-solo, not long after that and he never had a chance to resume it.  Dad has always been very supportive of my interest in flight and when, about eight years ago I began my training, he was there every step of the way.  When my new C172 was delivered and I was out of town, he sent me photos.  He was my first passenger when I received my private certificate.  Always ready to go flying, dad accompanied me on a long cross country that I needed in preparation for my instrument rating.  We left Frederick and headed for First Flight Airport in North Carolina.  It was a beautiful, scenic trip, but the part I will never forget is when we were rolling out after arriving at KFFA and a deer walked onto the runway.  Dad just calmly asked me “do you have a horn on this thing?”.  I am so glad to be able to share the joy of flight with my dad and hope we will be able to do so for many more years.

Thanks for the memories Dad!

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