
Mitigating Deviations

AOPA recommends that pilots contact the Legal Services Plan (LSP) after a possible pilot deviation such as a runway incursion or altitude deviation.  If asked to call an FAA facility in connection with your flight activities, call the LSP first as soon as practicable to discuss the FAA’s request. In many cases, it is also advisable to file a report with the NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS).

Pilots may benefit from taking other proactive actions as well. Take the opportunity to verify your flight review, instrument currency (if applicable), medical certificate (if applicable), and address are all up to date. Check that the aircraft’s required inspections are in place, and that there are no current discrepancies which could affect airworthiness.

To reduce the likelihood of a reoccurrence, learn as much as possible about the occurrence by reading the associated Federal Aviation Regulations and guidance in the Aeronautical Information Manual. Reviewing the FAA Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, completing a relevant FAA WINGS course, and documenting training with a CFI are not only helpful in understanding the root cause of the deviation and learning how to detect potential threats to safety, but may also help demonstrate a proactive attitude towards safety which can have a favorable impact on how the FAA decides to resolve the matter should they investigate it.

Topics: ATC, FAA Information and Services

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